Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Connectivism and My Networks (Module 4)

Is there a portion of society that technology has not changed?  According to Siemans (2004) the progression of technology has ushered in a new form of learning in which the networks we associate with allow us to learn.  This learning happens through our connectedness with the individuals we groups into certain areas of our life.  His theory has merit and is a valid assessment if communal learning.  Because of the vast amounts of information, it is impossible for someone to learn in isolation.  Our networks are instrumental in our learning, but we also learn to use our groups in different ways to meet our learning needs.

Network Reflection
As I look at my mind map, it seems rather simplistic.  I have this primal fear that anything so simplistic must be wrong or done incorrectly.  However, the more I think, it is probably that my networks have slowly changed to reflect my simplistic lifestyle.

Although simplistic, my networks to allow me to share knowledge and, at the same time, learn from others.  Again, I point to the simplicity of my networks, but warn you that they are more complicated than first thought.  Maybe the simplicity of my life leads to complexity in my networks as many of the same people, if I named everyone in my network, would be present in each grouping.

Digital Tools and Learning
I must admit that I have always learned best through face-to-face contact and conversation.  Although I am a hands on learner, I generally learn best when I can interact with others as I "play with" whatever I am trying to learn.  Because of this, Skype has been one of my favorite digital tools for learning.  This allows me to see the person I am interacting with and gives me the face-to-face contact that I enjoy so much.  To many, learning can be void of emotion as texting and typing lose meaning through translation.  However, face-to-face interaction gives learning an emotion and a feeling.

New Knowledge
As I have mentioned, learning happens best for me when I am able to work with something in my own way and in my own pace.  When I first have questions I contact the people in my networks that would have the most relevant information.  For example, if I have a question about something that deals with my spirituality then I would contact someone in my church circle.  However, this is only to give me guidance in my personal search for meaning.  By contacting someone about a question, it gives me a starting point and information for which I will use to measure my own findings.

Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Working as a Group, Module 3

Rheingold (2008) makes the assertion that humans have an inherent instinct to work in groups to accomplish a task. While it seems logical and evidence suggests that collaboration has increased over the past few decades, I believe that this is a learned trait and not something that is a basic instinct as Rheingold suggests.  

Today's problems, regardless of area or profession, are so complex that it requires the brain power of multiple people working together on a common task.  However, it would seem that this is a means to an end and not something that is entrenched in the psyche of the individuals.  In fact, I would say that many individuals prefer independent work based on previous experiences working as a group or in a collaborative setting.  Let's be honest, we have all been involved in a negative group experience where we thought "I could just do this myself" and it turn out a whole lot better.  

Looking specifically at Wikipedia as an example of collaboration, I would contend that Wikipedia stretches the definition of collaboration.  On the surface, Wikipedia is the hub of information that people are able to edit based on their findings.  However, is true collaboration possible without real interaction between those participating?  While there are multiple editors of information, they are working independently to manage and edit information.  This site is the house of information edited independently.

While I may be in the minority in my thinking, collaboration and working together is a learned behavior and not something that is ingrained in all individuals.